Anyone coming in contact with one of these divine animals was expected to pay heed to the encounter and look for some changes in their near-future. In both cases, these animals were believed to be methods for divine beings to communicate with human beings. Also certain Gods and Goddess had close and highly visible connections to animals. Many omens were associated with animal sightings and the Native Americans gave broad meaning to encounters with certain animals. Even though it’s not always the case, omens usually are considered bad probably because many ancient civilizations tied them to catastrophes or other horrific natural disasters. These people were known as soothsayers, mystics, augurs, and oracles, just to mention a few. Throughout history, certain people were considered authorities on reading the “signs” to divine their actual meaning. The impact can be positive or negative or both omens are often confusing and often their messages are understood after an event has happened. The simplest way to define an omen, is “a sign that precedes an event.” Dating back further than anyone can remember, human beings have recorded particular experiences and sightings as both highly meaningful and impactful on human life. With a total solar eclipse soon upon us (August 21st, 2017), it’s almost guaranteed that conversations about “omens” will surface.